Richard Hawley launches whisky tracks

Richard Hawley releases his first whisky inspired track, 'In The Barrel', today (21.10.10).

Ben Sebborn

Date published: 21st Oct 2010

Richard Hawley releases his first whisky inspired track today (21.10.10).

The singer and songwriter was inspired to write a set of songs by a visit to the Glenfiddich distillery, Dufftown, in Scotland, earlier this year and he releases his first of the tracks, 'In The Barrel', today (21.10.10).

He said: "There's a certain magic in how Glenfiddich transform water into whisky which I wanted to convey in these songs.

"It's been a challenge to write songs which fit the project yet also have wide appeal - something I hope I've managed to achieve. I'm looking forward to releasing the other two tracks - 'The River' and 'Opening the Bottle' - and performing them live later in the year."

The track is designed to convey the claustrophobic feeling of whisky maturing in a barrel and features harpist Julia Thornton, musical saw player David Coulter, Shez Sheridan on guitar and Kate St. John playing the Cor Anglais.

The two remaining tracks from 'Dufftown Songs' will be released for download in November and the tracks will all be performed at a live show in London in December.

To sign up, win tickets and watch videos of the project, go to