Sankeys Ibiza TV episode two - VIVa Warriors

Sankeys TV have dropped their second video of the summer, this time shifting the focus to Viva Warriors.

Jimmy Coultas

Date published: 31st Jul 2013

Fancy banishing that rain for five minutes? Well simply watch the below video, which peers longingly into Sunday nights at Sankeys Ibiza where Steve Lawler and his VIVa Warriors project hold court. There’s sound-bites from Steve, Darius Syrossian, Guti and many more and a guarantee of that bottom of the stomach, take me there now feeling anyone bit by the Ibiza bug feels when they watch it in full swing from afar.

Remember we’ve got tickets for every event at Sankeys Ibiza on sale here, including all the VIVa Warriors parties.

Like this? Watch Episode 1 of Sankeys Ibiza TV 2013.


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