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Katy Rose Bennett

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Katy Rose Bennett

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Katy Rose Bennett (formerly known as KTB) has been creating songs since she can remember. She was born and raised in rural Oxfordshire but has lived in Birmingham for the last decade.

Katy taught herself to play guitar at the age of 12 and spent the years since honing her craft. Under the influence of great writers of song including Gillian Welch, Dory Previn and Nick Drake, she has released three albums, as KTB, to critical acclaim: All Calm In Dreamland (2002); Bluebird (2005) and Indelible Ink (2009):

“A sophisticated mix of folk, jazz pop and rustica” – The Independent

“Strikingly original” – UNCUT

“Stunning…songs that encapsulate everything that is good about modern songwriters and modern song writing…heart-wrenchingly gorgeous” Northern Sky

Katy has recently finished her fourth solo album (Songs of the River Rea), to be released in April 2016. As well as writing, recording and performing, Katy works as a music therapist and community choir leader in Birmingham.

Hi folks,

I’m most excited to tell you that my new album, ‘The Meantime’, will be released through Transition Records on October 18th 2019. The album was recorded over a couple of days in Spring 2019 by the excellent Jim Cornick. I can’t wait to share these songs with you!

I’ll be releasing a video for one of the lead songs (‘Did you see?’) in September, the making of which involved me getting up very early one morning and heading over to Edgbaston Reservoir with my phone.

I’ll be launching the album with a mini-tour in October 2019:

Monday October 7th 2019, KItchen Garden Cafe, Birmingham. Details here. Support from Amit Dattani.

Friday October 11th 2019, The Betsey Trotwood, Clerkenwell, London

Saturday October 12th 2019, House Concert, Dorchester-on-Thames, Oxfordshire.

More details to follow…

Love and light,

Katy x


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Katy Rose Bennett (formerly known as KTB) has been creating songs since she can remember. She was born and raised in rural Oxfordshire but has lived in Birmingham for the last decade.

Katy taught herself to play guitar at the age of 12 and spent the years since honing her craft. Under the influence of great writers of song including Gillian Welch, Dory Previn and Nick Drake, she has released three albums, as KTB, to critical acclaim: All Calm In Dreamland (2002); Bluebird (2005) and Indelible Ink (2009):

“A sophisticated mix of folk, jazz pop and rustica” – The Independent

“Strikingly original” – UNCUT

“Stunning…songs that encapsulate everything that is good about modern songwriters and modern song writing…heart-wrenchingly gorgeous” Northern Sky

Katy has recently finished her fourth solo album (Songs of the River Rea), to be released in April 2016. As well as writing, recording and performing, Katy works as a music therapist and community choir leader in Birmingham.

Hi folks,

I’m most excited to tell you that my new album, ‘The Meantime’, will be released through Transition Records on October 18th 2019. The album was recorded over a couple of days in Spring 2019 by the excellent Jim Cornick. I can’t wait to share these songs with you!

I’ll be releasing a video for one of the lead songs (‘Did you see?’) in September, the making of which involved me getting up very early one morning and heading over to Edgbaston Reservoir with my phone.

I’ll be launching the album with a mini-tour in October 2019:

Monday October 7th 2019, KItchen Garden Cafe, Birmingham. Details here. Support from Amit Dattani.

Friday October 11th 2019, The Betsey Trotwood, Clerkenwell, London

Saturday October 12th 2019, House Concert, Dorchester-on-Thames, Oxfordshire.

More details to follow…

Love and light,

Katy x


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