Arctic Ensemble is a Finnish crazy-ambitious contemporary circus collective that, despite its young age, has already toured e.g. Circus with Finlandia, performed in Germany's biggest arenas, filled auditoriums as far as Japan and was awarded a special Cirque du Soleil prize at international circus festivals. With its own performances, the collective has already reached more than 70,000 viewers. The focus of the group's activities is spectacular acrobatic skills and the group's own unique circus tent.
Arctic Ensemble is a Finnish crazy-ambitious contemporary circus collective that, despite its young age, has already toured e.g. Circus with Finlandia, performed in Germany's biggest arenas, filled auditoriums as far as Japan and was awarded a special Cirque du Soleil prize at international circus festivals. With its own performances, the collective has already reached more than 70,000 viewers. The focus of the group's activities is spectacular acrobatic skills and the group's own unique circus tent.