Davros...Creator of The Daleks...the insane megalomaniac, the horribly mutated and crippled genius scientist has been watching us...
In a distant Galaxy from his secret underground bunker on the planet Skaro, he and his demented army of Space Nazis have been studying our culture very, very carefully.
Shocked and downright outraged by the poor quality of Planet Earths Light Entertainment, he has decided to leave his crazed plans of Galactic Conquest and Total Cosmic Domination to show us Puny Humans how it really should be done.
Davros's first wave of sonic terror attacks have resulted in wild sell out shows at clubs around the country and show stopping sets at various festivals. His second onslaught on this planet took place right at the heart of the Earth institution of Saturday Night Television. The Dark Lord of Skaro easily infiltrated the ranks of famous ITV show Britains Got Talent making it all the way to the Live Semi-Finals. Temporarily defeated by fellow time travelling alien, the evil Simon Cowell, Davros has now regrouped with extra reinforcements and is preparing for battle once again!
Travelling light years across countless star systems with an Elite Squad of his most loyal, cruel and terrifying Generals, Davros and the Deep Space Deviants are preparing to invade Manchester for the first time to unleash their vastly superior versions of Earth classics. Prepare yourselves!
Davros...Creator of The Daleks...the insane megalomaniac, the horribly mutated and crippled genius scientist has been watching us...
In a distant Galaxy from his secret underground bunker on the planet Skaro, he and his demented army of Space Nazis have been studying our culture very, very carefully.
Shocked and downright outraged by the poor quality of Planet Earths Light Entertainment, he has decided to leave his crazed plans of Galactic Conquest and Total Cosmic Domination to show us Puny Humans how it really should be done.
Davros's first wave of sonic terror attacks have resulted in wild sell out shows at clubs around the country and show stopping sets at various festivals. His second onslaught on this planet took place right at the heart of the Earth institution of Saturday Night Television. The Dark Lord of Skaro easily infiltrated the ranks of famous ITV show Britains Got Talent making it all the way to the Live Semi-Finals. Temporarily defeated by fellow time travelling alien, the evil Simon Cowell, Davros has now regrouped with extra reinforcements and is preparing for battle once again!
Travelling light years across countless star systems with an Elite Squad of his most loyal, cruel and terrifying Generals, Davros and the Deep Space Deviants are preparing to invade Manchester for the first time to unleash their vastly superior versions of Earth classics. Prepare yourselves!