The Derek Paravicini Quartet is the new must-hear group, currently wowing audiences all over the UK, following their successful debut on the BBC’s ‘In Tune’ programme. Four stunningly talented young musicians combine to create a unique sound, portraying a kaleidoscope of emotions – now achingly sad, now humorous, now infused with warmth – and all shot through with a fiery virtuosity. Derek Paravicini Quartet are a musical chameleon, able to change their sonic palette to suit any occasion, with the breathtaking new takes on classic songs and jazz standards, and a repertoire from ragtime to Radiohead, from Irving Berlin to the Beatles, from Cole Porter to Coldplay.
The Derek Paravicini Quartet is the new must-hear group, currently wowing audiences all over the UK, following their successful debut on the BBC’s ‘In Tune’ programme. Four stunningly talented young musicians combine to create a unique sound, portraying a kaleidoscope of emotions – now achingly sad, now humorous, now infused with warmth – and all shot through with a fiery virtuosity. Derek Paravicini Quartet are a musical chameleon, able to change their sonic palette to suit any occasion, with the breathtaking new takes on classic songs and jazz standards, and a repertoire from ragtime to Radiohead, from Irving Berlin to the Beatles, from Cole Porter to Coldplay.