Beginning in late 2018, Dragged Up combine Lisa Jones’ provincial, melancholic spoken word of comic failure, Eva Gnatiuk’s VHS trash-fiction lyrics and Simon Shaw’s post-Velvets/NYDolls guitar. In mid-2019, Chas Lalli and Julian Dicken completed the line-up, bringing plutonium-heavy bass and Television-era drumwerk.
Featuring former and current members of the Glaswegian bands Trembling Bells, Youth of America, The Cosmic Dead, Bad Aura, Vom and Las Mitras.
Beginning in late 2018, Dragged Up combine Lisa Jones’ provincial, melancholic spoken word of comic failure, Eva Gnatiuk’s VHS trash-fiction lyrics and Simon Shaw’s post-Velvets/NYDolls guitar. In mid-2019, Chas Lalli and Julian Dicken completed the line-up, bringing plutonium-heavy bass and Television-era drumwerk.
Featuring former and current members of the Glaswegian bands Trembling Bells, Youth of America, The Cosmic Dead, Bad Aura, Vom and Las Mitras.