Breaking the mould with a highly energetic and humorous approach to the cover band genre, performing a unique blend of Disco/pop/dance & funk... we even rap!
We create a rich quality sound to accompany guitar bass and drums featuring samples, synths and a vocoder - the full compliment!
Schloz - Insane lead vocals
H Bomb - Godlike guitars
Beast - Pumping bass
Wondernige' - Synth and knob twiddler
"Marky" Mark - Bongos Sample Pads
From Britney to Boogie... we're ready to rock & POP!
Heavily motivated to gig and have fun - we like to dress up and involve the audience at every opportunity.
State of the art PA & Backline, lights. Background music provided at intervals.
Breaking the mould with a highly energetic and humorous approach to the cover band genre, performing a unique blend of Disco/pop/dance & funk... we even rap!
We create a rich quality sound to accompany guitar bass and drums featuring samples, synths and a vocoder - the full compliment!
Schloz - Insane lead vocals
H Bomb - Godlike guitars
Beast - Pumping bass
Wondernige' - Synth and knob twiddler
"Marky" Mark - Bongos Sample Pads
From Britney to Boogie... we're ready to rock & POP!
Heavily motivated to gig and have fun - we like to dress up and involve the audience at every opportunity.
State of the art PA & Backline, lights. Background music provided at intervals.