Born in 1999 in Stockport, Manchester, Rory was brought up on a steady diet of rock n roll with sides of indie, punk and Irish music. With those influences anchored in his blood, Rory started writing his own music. Mostly fast, in-your-face tracks yet some tracks more soft, delicate and even ambient. Rory plays guitar, drums, keys and tries to sing. With a cool style, swagger and cocky vocals, Rory is surely destined to be a full-time rock star
Born in 1999 in Stockport, Manchester, Rory was brought up on a steady diet of rock n roll with sides of indie, punk and Irish music. With those influences anchored in his blood, Rory started writing his own music. Mostly fast, in-your-face tracks yet some tracks more soft, delicate and even ambient. Rory plays guitar, drums, keys and tries to sing. With a cool style, swagger and cocky vocals, Rory is surely destined to be a full-time rock star