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Sentient Robot

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Sentient Robot

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Sentient Robot', Manchester based 5 piece band brings together Nat O'Brien on lead vocals, Steve Marsden on Guitar, on drums Pete Marshall (Paul Heaton & Jackie Abbot, pLiam Frost and the Slowdown Family), Sam Morris on bass (Alfie/Bleep Seals/p)

and Andrew Stewardsoni on keys (The Mock Turtles/Tom i & The Vic).

Sliding and twisting between 80's inspired and updated synth sounds to alt Indie Rock they draw on influences like Bowie, Talking Heads, LCD Sound System, Future Islands, Neon Neon, New Order, Pet Shop Boys, REM, Yacht and War on Drugs. Rhythmic grooves, irresistible hooks, glockenspiels and occasional sweet sweet saxophone.

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Sentient Robot', Manchester based 5 piece band brings together Nat O'Brien on lead vocals, Steve Marsden on Guitar, on drums Pete Marshall (Paul Heaton & Jackie Abbot, pLiam Frost and the Slowdown Family), Sam Morris on bass (Alfie/Bleep Seals/p)

and Andrew Stewardsoni on keys (The Mock Turtles/Tom i & The Vic).

Sliding and twisting between 80's inspired and updated synth sounds to alt Indie Rock they draw on influences like Bowie, Talking Heads, LCD Sound System, Future Islands, Neon Neon, New Order, Pet Shop Boys, REM, Yacht and War on Drugs. Rhythmic grooves, irresistible hooks, glockenspiels and occasional sweet sweet saxophone.

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