Mickey Gallagher, Pete Barton, John Steel & John Williamson
The concept of Animals and Friends began in the spring of 2000. Hilton Valentine had re-located to America but demand was high for the Animals. Peter Barton former Mindbender had been gigging in a band alongside John Williamson, former guitarist from Titanic. A suggestion was made to team the two units together. Pete had been involved with the Animals now for almost a decade on the management front. Due to the pedigree of the current band members the band was re-named Animals and friends.
Mickey Gallagher, Pete Barton, John Steel & John Williamson
The concept of Animals and Friends began in the spring of 2000. Hilton Valentine had re-located to America but demand was high for the Animals. Peter Barton former Mindbender had been gigging in a band alongside John Williamson, former guitarist from Titanic. A suggestion was made to team the two units together. Pete had been involved with the Animals now for almost a decade on the management front. Due to the pedigree of the current band members the band was re-named Animals and friends.