The bluesmen of old would have tipped their hat to him. Harris is a brilliant player who is at once proud of his ancestry and culture, and a proponent of a musical pan-Africanism, and has emerged as a dreadlocked musical ambassador for the blues.
An Artist who is leading a contemporary revival of Country Blues wish a fresh and modern approach, Corey Harris is a powerful and compelling singer and an accomplished guitarist whose musical artistry is complemented by reflective explorations of the historical and cultural circumstances that gave rise to the Blues. Live on stage Corey Harris mix the raw, direct emotion pf acoustic Delta Blues with a considerable variety of influences – from New Orleans to the Carribean to Africa – into his richly expressive music. In doing so, he manage to appeal to a much wide spectrum of music fans.
The bluesmen of old would have tipped their hat to him. Harris is a brilliant player who is at once proud of his ancestry and culture, and a proponent of a musical pan-Africanism, and has emerged as a dreadlocked musical ambassador for the blues.
An Artist who is leading a contemporary revival of Country Blues wish a fresh and modern approach, Corey Harris is a powerful and compelling singer and an accomplished guitarist whose musical artistry is complemented by reflective explorations of the historical and cultural circumstances that gave rise to the Blues. Live on stage Corey Harris mix the raw, direct emotion pf acoustic Delta Blues with a considerable variety of influences – from New Orleans to the Carribean to Africa – into his richly expressive music. In doing so, he manage to appeal to a much wide spectrum of music fans.