Canadian stand-up comedian Tommy Campbell's engaging storytelling is a uniquely funny comic twist for the UK scene. Campbell's arsenal of hilarious anecdotes draw from his wonderfully embarrassing love life, the humorous challenges of adapting to living in London, a sincerely oddball upbringing and his refreshing foreign take on the daily news. He's a regular act at the top UK comedy clubs and has taken his brand of humor to stages in Dubai, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Croatia, Greece, Austria and France. Tommy is a two-time Canadian Comedy Award Nominee and is the award winning author of "The Slacker Confessions," a painfully funny book of his personal accounts from a decade of random day jobs.
Canadian stand-up comedian Tommy Campbell's engaging storytelling is a uniquely funny comic twist for the UK scene. Campbell's arsenal of hilarious anecdotes draw from his wonderfully embarrassing love life, the humorous challenges of adapting to living in London, a sincerely oddball upbringing and his refreshing foreign take on the daily news. He's a regular act at the top UK comedy clubs and has taken his brand of humor to stages in Dubai, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Croatia, Greece, Austria and France. Tommy is a two-time Canadian Comedy Award Nominee and is the award winning author of "The Slacker Confessions," a painfully funny book of his personal accounts from a decade of random day jobs.