Undadog (Jungle Boogie) – Stu Undadog has blowing audiences away recently with his technically brilliant jungle scratching and a song selection to keep everybody moving. After travelling to Sardinia and winning the Sun & Bass DJ competition last summer he has humbly returned home to Belfast and continued his work with Irish jungle collective ‘Jungle Boogie’ as well as Belfast dub promotion Buzz Sounds. You can catch Stu’s regular radio show ‘Positive Vibes’ on Jungletrain.net
Undadog (Jungle Boogie) – Stu Undadog has blowing audiences away recently with his technically brilliant jungle scratching and a song selection to keep everybody moving. After travelling to Sardinia and winning the Sun & Bass DJ competition last summer he has humbly returned home to Belfast and continued his work with Irish jungle collective ‘Jungle Boogie’ as well as Belfast dub promotion Buzz Sounds. You can catch Stu’s regular radio show ‘Positive Vibes’ on Jungletrain.net