Up The Antics" is a sketch and improvisational comedy group from Bristol, U.K.
Established in 2014 as "The VA" by graduates from Bath Spa University, they have as a company performed in and hosted a variety of live performances all over the country, including at the Bath Comedy Festival and the Southampton Comedy Fridge, as well as in various venues across London and Bristol. They also release regular episodes of their original sketch radio show ‘Pipped at the Podcast’, and have worked in association with Wilbee Productions to create ‘Frack Off’ - an original YouTube sitcom series.
Collaborating with friends and local artists, ‘Up The Antics’ will showcase their bizarre and silly take on popular culture, social conventions and nerd nostalgia.
Up The Antics" is a sketch and improvisational comedy group from Bristol, U.K.
Established in 2014 as "The VA" by graduates from Bath Spa University, they have as a company performed in and hosted a variety of live performances all over the country, including at the Bath Comedy Festival and the Southampton Comedy Fridge, as well as in various venues across London and Bristol. They also release regular episodes of their original sketch radio show ‘Pipped at the Podcast’, and have worked in association with Wilbee Productions to create ‘Frack Off’ - an original YouTube sitcom series.
Collaborating with friends and local artists, ‘Up The Antics’ will showcase their bizarre and silly take on popular culture, social conventions and nerd nostalgia.