Bars and pubs in Maidstone: Maidstone Bars, Maidstone gig guide, Best bars in Maidstone, Club Nights, Theatre and more. Buy your tickets or get on the guestlist for free
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Paint your own ceramic vase whilst sipping on a glass of bubbly!
The Royal Albion's Start of Summer Open Air Day Party. 2pm-11pm.
This years festival is going to be bigger and better then last year with an extra band added making it 5 bands playing from 1230pm until midnight.
Enjoy a fantastic line up of live bands at our annual summer music festival. Don't miss the best summer vibes in town!
Step into the vibrant Casino Rooms Nightclub and indulge in an unforgettable night at our exclusive prosecco lounge!
Our guide to What's On in Maidstone covers Maidstone clubs, Maidstone gig guide, comedy, tickets and guestlists. Find event listings and line ups, venue details, ticket information, nearby hotels and restaurants - all the essential information in one place! You can also check out our guide to Maidstone.
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