Glasgow’s electronic festival heralds the start of the summer.
line up to be announced...
When is Riverside Festival 2025?
Riverside Festival is tba...
Does Riverside Festival have any age restrictions?
Yes you must be 18 or over to attend Riverside Festival. You may be asked to show photo ID.
In order to gain entry to the event and get served at any of our bars, in line with the Challenge 25 policy, the following types of ID are accepted:
What are the details for entry for Riverside Festival?
There are some key points below to help make the Riverside Festival a safe environment for everyone where you can party without worrying about being verbally or physically harassed. Everyone deserves respect and Riverside also support upholding the law when it comes to the terms of their licence.
Riverside Festival is an inclusive, fun and safe environment, where tolerance and freedom of expression are of paramount importance.
They will not tolerate abuse of any kind, whether it's towards our fellow ravers, members of staff, or performers. They operate a zero tolerance policy towards racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and all forms of discrimination.
If anyone is subjected to anti-social behaviour, then please make this known to a member of security who will discreetly handle the situation.
Everyone should feel safe in this environment and everyone should feel like the Riverside Festival is the place for them to go - anyone who harbours intolerance views, this is not the place for you.
Riverside Festival operates a zero tolerance policy to drugs. Anyone found with illegal drugs, including ‘Legal Highs' will be banned from the event and reported to the police. They will have drug disposal bins in the queues so you can deposit any drugs you may have with you.
Anyone involved in acts mentioned above will be duly banned from the event and reported to the police.
All event attendees will be subject to a search before entry is permitted to the event
Please don’t bring a bag unless it is absolutely essential. Bags larger than 30cm x 42cm (the size of a sheet of A3 paper) will NOT be permitted. Those who need to bring bags will be separated into bag search lanes, and may be delayed as a result of these searches.
Please note that there are no storage lockers available at the event.
You may bring a non-professional camera into the event. If you wish to bring a professional camera you must contact Riverseide Festival first and seek permission.
NO glass bottles and glass containers (including perfumes) are permitted in the event. All glass will be confiscated and not returned
NO food & alcohol to be brought onto the site.
NO drugs or weapons are allowed into the festival. This includes 'Legal Highs'.
NO drones, portable laser equipment, laser pens, air horns, megaphones, vuvuzelas, kites, spray paint cans, aerosols over 250ml, sound systems, gazebos, unofficial tabards and reflective jackets, or any item that could be considered a weapon, including multi-tools, are permitted. Flares, gas or smoke devices, fireworks, sparklers, Chinese / sky lanterns, firewood, candles or any flames are also not permitted. Items will be confiscated and not returned.
NO football colours allowed.
What items are prohibited at Riverside Festival?
Riverside Festival operates a zero tolerance policy to drugs. Anyone found with illegal drugs, including ‘Legal Highs' will be banned from the event and reported to the police. We will have drug disposal bins in the queues so you can deposit any drugs you may have with you.
Anyone involved in acts mentioned above will be duly banned from the event and reported to the police.
All event attendees will be subject to a search before entry is permitted to the event
Please note that there are no storage lockers available at the event.
If I leave Riverside Festival can I come back in?
No, there will be NO exit and re-entry to the event.