Showing upcoming festivals from Mon 31st Mar 2025 onwards.
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Hospitality On The Beach
Tisno, Croatia
1st - 8th Jul 2025

WAH in the City Festival
Drumsheds in London
6th Jul 2025

WAH Malta 2025
5th - 8th Sep 2025
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There's so many amazing festivals out there but it can be difficult to work out which festivals you're going to attend. There's so many things to take into consideration - the location of the festival, the size of the festival, the genre of music, whether it's family friendly and the type of facilities onsite.
Skiddle's new Festivals Finder is here to make the process that bit easier. Simply use the Festivals Finder's unique festival search, which include options allowing you to search for festivals based on filters such as location; month; genres; type; size; accommodation; amenities and even the artists you've liked on Facebook!
With most fellow 12 year old Brazilians kicking footballs round bare feet, Carlos Lima a.k.a S.P.Y was already behind the turntables. With his Dad on the mic taking latino requests at fun fairs, young Carlos selected the tunes! Hailing from Sao Paulo, Brazil’s capital of D&B, S.P.Y comes from the same beats classroom as Marky, Patife and Drumagik. Whilst studying and working in graphic design it was Hospital’s very own Zac Vibes who booked him for his 1st night in London, at Camden’s Lock 17.