Following its triumphant debut last summer, the magical Electric Woodlands expanded to become a two day camping weekend in 2022. This escapist musical weekender plays out deep in the enchanted woods of Bygrave Woods, Newnham, just 30 minutes from London.
Last year, Electric Woodlands were proud to announce a specially curated line-up that equally represented a wealth of talent across the gender spectrum. Artists include Annie Mac, Hannah Wants, Example, Flava D, Amyelle, Solardo, Shy FX, Wilkinson, Bklava, Girls Don’t Sync, Eliza Rose, David Rodigan, Sub Focus & ID and many more.
Sure to build on the success of its first year, Electric Woodlands is shaping up to be another unmissable musical escape in the enchanted British countryside.
line up to be announced...
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When is Electric Woodlands?
Electric Woodlands returns date TBC.
Where is Electric Woodlands?
Electric Woodlands is located in Hertfordshire
Bygrave Wood,
Does Electric Woodlands have any age restrictions?
Yes, you must be 18 years or older to attend Electric Woodlands.