
Big Condo Records


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Big Condo Records is an independent record label based in Liverpool, established in 2015. The label started with hip-hop and soul artists, then moved into R & B, acoustic, pop music and indie. We currently specialise in all genres. We love music and the artists. Big Condo Records has put on over 600 shows in the northwest and the UK, also touring regularly and putting on some major headlines by releasing music and supporting artists and bands. We also have the Big Condo Records Weekender Festival and the Big Condo Records 33 City Tour and more in the pipeline. Big Condo Records aspires to be as big as Atlantic Records and has seen dramatic growth over the past 10 years.  As Big Condo continues to break records and develop every year, we can't wait to see what the next 10 years has in store! If you are an artist or band and you're looking to get involved with Big Condo Records, contact us through the website at www.bigcondorecords.co.uk .

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