Danny Howells Interview: up close and sweaty is my bag baby

Read our interview with the iconic DJ before he once more returns to Freeze on Saturday 5th October

Jimmy Coultas

Date published: 30th Sep 2013

Image: Danny Howells

Danny Howells is a DJ with more than a little bit of experience in the world of electronic music. Since the mid-nineties he’s been one of the most revered and well-loved selectors across the planet, playing his own mutated form of house music that slips into the darker and sexier recesses of the genre.

He’s scheduled to be the next DJ to step up to Australian compilation series Balance, and on Saturday 5th October heads to Liverpool to return to Freeze and the Williamson Tunnels. It’ll be his fourth appearance for the promoters, with each previous visit selling out making a repeat occurrence likely. We caught up with him ahead of the show to discuss the compilation news and why the Tunnels holds such a lofty status for him.

Like this? Read Danny Howells to mix Balance 24.

Head here for further details on Freeze presents Dig Deeper.

You’re returning to Freeze in the venue that you’ve described as you’re favourite in the past, excited?

Of course, totally!

What is it about the tunnels that you are so drawn to, particularly considering the fact you have also played St Georges Hall and The Cathedral previously? 

Both St Georges and The Cathedral were epic, something for the history books and among the most unique and unforgettable venues I've played at. But I'm all about small and intimate - up close and sweaty is my bag baby. I just feel it really suits my music... I can adapt to big venues but my heart is in the deeper, sometimes more twisted music that feels more at home in the smaller, more underground venues.

The Show also sees you once again joining up with Hernan Cattaneo. How often do you get to play together?

Not that often really, maybe a couple of times a year? It's always a blast though.

Moving away from Freeze, we were excited to learn you are mixing the next Balance compilation, congratulations! 


What are you planning to do with the mix, or can’t you reveal too much about I just yet?

Well I'm so excited to be doing it... I think they've done an amazing job so I don't want to let them down. Musically a lot of what I'm looking at is more melodic, nothing really too banging. Music that I think will stand up over time. There's a few of my past cds that I think steered away from sounding too contemporary, and as a result I think they remain relevant and enjoyable (hopefully!) for a lot longer. I want this compilation to be the same.

As someone who has been involved with mix compilations quite a lot over the years, where do you see them heading in the future? Did you follow the news with Dave Seaman and his crowd funding; is this something you can see becoming the norm?

I think Dave did a really good thing with this. I love the fact that we have so many choices now when it comes to buying music, from buying in-store, online, or via more direct routes such as Bandcamp. Something like Kickstarter brings the fan closer to the artist and involves them to varying degrees, which I think is great. A lot of bands have been approaching their albums like this for a while now, so it's great that he went out there and took it into the DJ comp world.

Gig wise where have you been playing this summer, and what have you got coming up?

For many reasons it was my favourite summer ever, but the weird thing was that I barely worked in July. I went to loads of live gigs, was out doing normal things like seeing friends, going out and enjoying the sun on my bike etc. (I even, shock horror, joined a gym!) That and my time at Glastonbury left me feeling so rejuvenated.

Other than that I had an amazing seven gig trip to North America/Mexico. I just got back from a three date China and Japan tour, while the rest has been dotted around Europe.

How is the label coming along?

It's not, I'm afraid!

And finally, what else lies in the future for you?

Take it all as it comes... no plans. Much more enjoyable that way!


Upcoming Events At Williamson Tunnels, Liverpool

Here is the next upcoming event At Williamson Tunnels, Liverpool

Twisted Tunnels presents Tunnel of Love The Last dance

Twisted Tunnels presents Tunnel of Love The Last dance

Williamson Tunnels, Liverpool

15th February

9:00pm til 3:00am (last entry 12:00am)

Minimum Age: 18

For ticket prices, please click here (Additional fees may apply)

Our final event ever as we say farewell. Leaving you with more Twisted house from the past 4 Decades.