New Year's Eve Countdown:

Leeds radio station KMAH gets robbed

A Crowdfunding page has been launched to help recoup the station's losses. Find out more here.

Mike Warburton

Date published: 4th Aug 2016

Photo: KMAH Radio

Much-loved independent radio station KMAH, home to such resident DJs as Happa, John Heckle, Cottam and Bill Brewster was broken into earlier this week, with two brand new CDJ2000s and a brand new DJM 700 mixer taken.

Also stolen was an Alto Studio mixer and a Samsung moniter. KMAH have posted the below status on Facebook for people to keep an eye out for these items turning up in a Cash Converters or on Gumtree. If you hear or witness anything, get in touch with them immediately.

A Crowdfuning initiative has been set up to help KMAH get back on its feet, with nearly £1000 already raised. Head here to get donating

More like this? Revisit Cottam's mix for Skiddle.