Marcel Woods talks pigeonholing, new projects, and his forthcoming Sankeys debut

Marcel Woods makes time for a quick chat ahead of his Sankeys debut for Goodgreef's 11th birthday party on October 28th.

Jayne Robinson

Date published: 1st Oct 2011

Marcel Woods is a bit of a legend. True to his sound and hugely popular among his peers and music lovers alike, he has been successfully ripping up dance floors around the globe for years.

We grabbed him for a quick chat between his busy time in the studio and jet setting around for gigs…

Thanks for taking a minute to have a chinwag with us Marcel, we’re really looking forward to catching you at Goodgreef’s 11th Birthday on 28th October. Are you looking forward to playing at Sankeys?

Yes, for sure! I’ve heard so many good reports about Sankeys so I'm thrilled that I will finally be able to perform there.

You’re notorious for not wanting to be pigeonholed into any particular genre; a really difficult task in an industry that likes to label people. What would you put your success in this ethos down to?

It is still a big thing to me personally as I want people to listen to all music again and not to genres. For my professional career I believe people will not label me anymore, I'm that weirdo on the line-up... (laughs).

We heard a whisper you’ve got a really exciting album concept coming out, can you tell us a little bit more about it?

Yes it will be a very cool project with tons of exciting music on it, it will all be revealed in October…

Your album series “Musical Madness” launched its third chapter this year; an achievement in itself. Have you enjoyed making them? Has it helped you clearly stamp your mark on the industry do you think?

I believe it did, as people understand what it stands for.

Before you come over the UK for Goodgreef’s birthday you’re travelling to Malaysia, Czech Republic and Poland. What’s your favourite country to play in?

Pfoee... there are so many, I still love Scotland, Poland, Slovakia...

You’ve been in the business a long while now, when would you say you had your “big break” ? Or has it been a case of just continuing to grow steadily as an artist?

When I dropped my tunes "Cherry Blossom" and "Advanced" in 2006 it went off very fast. After that I continued releasing music that's picked up very well by my colleagues, so 2006 was my first big year.

There have been some cracking releases and remixes from you recently. Which has been your personal favourite?

I really love the Bassjakcers remix of ''Inside me"; a massive rework, but also some new stuff from myself will be big I promise you!

Do you have any tips for the top at the moment? Any aspiring artists that you think will be huge in a few years time?

W&W will be blow up big time!

We saw you mention you’d worked with your favourite producer of all time the other day on Twitter, can you tell us more?

Yes, it's my all time favourite producer... (laughs) and the track is finished and we both love it! So I suppose it will be a good track for the floor.

Now into a quick fire round!

Mac or Windows? Both

Twitter or Facebook? Twitter

Sunshine or Snow? Both

iPhone or Blackberry? iPhone

Late nights or early mornings? Early mornings

Favourite Band? Coldplay

First Record you bought? Damn, that's a long time ago ... 

DJ you’d vote for in the Top 100… W&W , Showtek, Tiesto, Marco V, and me (laughs)

If you had one wish, you’d wish for… World peace?

Thanks again for your time Marcel!

You can catch Marcel Woods at Goodgreef’s 11th Birthday at Sankeys in Manchester on Friday 28th October. Tickets are available here.



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