Skateboard GB: Interview with team rider Joe Hinson

One of the UK's most prolific street skateboarders, Joe Hinson reveals how he came to be involved with the sport and why you'll rarely find him skating bowls

Date published: 4th Oct 2022

One of the UK's most prolific street skateboarders, an undisputed icon of British skating, Joe Hinson is a renowned master of rails.

A stalwart of the UK competition scene, having placed first at the Skateboard GB National Championships twice, in 2019 and 2022, Hinson is one of the more experienced riders on the Skateboard GB team. Completely devoted to the sport since being a youngster, his skill and ability have caught the attention of some of the world's biggest skateboarding brands. His current sponsors include the likes of Lakai, Vitor and legendary board company, Darkstar Skateboards.

We opportunely caught up with the reigning GB National champ taking some downtime from conquering stair sets and rails. Discussing his involvement with the sport and why you'll rarely find him skating bowls, read his full interview below to learn more about the esteemed rider...



Tell us about how your journey in skateboarding began; when did you get your first skateboard, what was the first trick you ever landed and who influenced you to take up the sport? 

"A family friend was skating down the street in the village I grew up in. I had a go and was hooked from that moment on. I got my first board at 11 years old from a skate shop in Cambridge called Billy's Skateshop (my first shop sponsor). Unfortunately, it's closed down now but it was a cheap ‘Voltage’ complete."

"In regards to the first trick, other than learning how to ollie, it was a Pop Shove It. I can't really do them anymore. I almost always over-rotate due to doing too many Tre Flips."



There are now reported to be more than 85 million skateboarders worldwide. What is it about this subculture that speaks to so many people? What makes it so different from other extreme sports? 

"It’s the whole culture around skateboarding. It really is my life. I don't know any better. I played football as a kid but could never really get into it. Skateboarding just stands out for me and always has, not to mention all the incredible people I've met through it. I don't have any friends that don't skate. "



A tough question - who do you personally consider to be the GOAT of the skateboarding world and why? You can only choose one. 

"The GOAT for me has to be Jamie Thomas, just because of the way he pushed handrail skating. He was and still is a big influence on me. Sorry to break the rules but we can't not mention Jamie Foy who is now taking rail skateboarding to that next level. Seriously, go watch his 'Sunshine State' part on Thrasher."



With reference to the second-ever Skateboard GB Virtual championships, happening this month, how important are competitions like these to grassroots skating? 

"I guess it's only a good thing. It's a chance for everyone to show what they can do, no matter where they live or their financial situation. It gives them the opportunity to shine."

"There is becoming more of a career path within skateboarding with bigger sponsorship deals, bigger platforms, and more competitions that the wider general public will see. More skateparks are being built because it's growing in popularity, it can only be a good thing. Not to mention more opportunities to make a living from it."



Skating transition or heading out into the streets - Which do you prefer and why? 

"I can't skate transition very well. It's fun but you won't find me sessioning a bowl, especially not in front of a gang of bowl skaters, they'll all laugh! Having said that, I still enjoy mini-ramp and watching transition skating, but I definitely prefer going out in the streets and jumping onto rails."


Image credit: CJ photography


Looking ahead, where do you see yourself competing in the years to come? What are your ambitions? And what aspirations do you have for the sport going forward? 

"Moving forward, I just want to keep skating and filming video parts, travelling and entering contests. Getting to skate in new places is one of the best things about skateboarding, so definitely looking forward to doing more of that!"



We know that watching skate videos is a popular pastime for skateboarders so, to that end, what is your favourite skate video soundtrack?

"Tough one... Stay Gold is probably my all-time favourite skate video, not just for skating but the music, the filming and the way it's edited. It's so sick."



Last question - You’re about to head out on a skate trip and you need a sweet playlist to accompany you on your travels. Which five tracks always make the cut: 

"Hard to pinpoint five particular songs but I'd say my top five artists would be Black Sabbath, Metallica, Sex Pistols, Wu-Tang and Jimmy Hendrix."




Entries for this year's Skateboard GB Virtual Championships are now closed and the finalists have been announced.

To learn more about the championships and our sponsorship of this year's virtual event, click or tap - here.



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