Summer, Summer, Summertime...

Here's what's happening at Funkademia over the Summer, Summer, Summertime...

Jamie Scahill

Disclaimer: The article below has been contributed by the event promoter or somebody representing the event promoter. As such we take no responsibility for accuracy of the content and any views expressed are not necessarily those of Skiddle or our staff.

Date published: 28th Jun 2012

You can check out Funkademia every Saturday night at Mint Lounge in Manchester and on the 20th & 21st July at Wickerman Festival with Crazy P, Graeme Hawley, Jamie Scahill, David Dunne and Kid Blast...

30/6 -Les Croasdaile

7/7 - Les Croasdaile

14/7 - Jon Busstop

21/7 - Dave Redsoul

28/7 - Trafford Lovething

4/8 - Jon Busstop

11/8 - David Dunne

18/8 - Les Croasdaile

25/8 - Trafford Lovething

Tickets are no longer available for this event

Upcoming Events At Mint Lounge, Manchester

Here is the next upcoming event At Mint Lounge, Manchester

"Ram Jam" Rodigan and HIT & RUN presents: UPTOWN TOP RANKING

"Ram Jam" Rodigan and HIT & RUN presents: UPTOWN TOP RANKING

Mint Lounge, Manchester

14th March

8:00pm til 1:00am (last entry 11:45pm)

Minimum Age: 18

For ticket prices, please click here (Additional fees may apply)

HIT & RUN brings the legendary RODIGAN to Manchester for an extended vinyl-only set from his unparal...