Ye Olde Rose and Crown Theatre pub in Walthamstow to host 'ghost hunt'

Waltham Forest Guardian features DBUNK'd Ghost Hunt at Ye Olde Rose & Crown, Walthamstow. Event date: 2nd April 2013

Disclaimer: The article below has been contributed by the event promoter or somebody representing the event promoter. As such we take no responsibility for accuracy of the content and any views expressed are not necessarily those of Skiddle or our staff.

Date published: 22nd Mar 2013

A Walthamstow pub is to host a 'ghost-hunt' after staff reported strange sensations in its historic building.

The DBUNK’d Paranormal Investigations company is leading the event at Ye Olde Rose and Crown Theatre Pub in Hoe Street at 9pm on Tuesday April 2.

It comes amid claims from members of staff that the theatre's dressing room has an eerie feel about it, and hunt organiser Darren Willbourne believes the site's long history makes conditions ideal for people to have unusual experiences.

Mr Willbourne, 42, will lead a three-hour tour of the building's cellars, nooks and crannies, armed with equipment including electromagnetic field meters and night-vision video cameras.

Pub-goers can take part for £25 each, with some tickets being sold on auction site eBay in aid of Comic Relief.

Mr Willbourne said: "I did some research into the pub, looking at records going back to 1865 and it has had a very diverse set of people running it over the years.

“I'm not aware of any murders or things like that there although the immediate area was heavily bombed in the war.

“There's one room which staff say gives them strange feelings, a sense of foreboding, and makes the hair on the back of people's necks stand up.

“Our approach is that it is a chance to carry out experiments and explore historic buildings.

"On previous events we've had a good mix of people who are very sensitive to these types of things and others who are completely sceptical.

"Many people report hearing or seeing strange things but there are so many camps arguing over what these things are.

"I started out as a sceptic and I come at it from a research point of view, I personally have never seen a ghost but I have an open mind.

"I don't discount theories that some people can experience things others can't. Places like graveyards, churches and historic pubs provide the best opportunities for that."

Rose and Crown barmaid Marie Constantinou, 31, said: “Whenever I go into the room I get a very weird feeling. It's hard to explain but I don't know what it is.

“Other people have experienced it too. I don't find it scary just very strange.

“I'm looking forward to the ghost hunt I find it quite exciting and it will be interesting to see what comes up.”

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