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Raul Kohli
Raul Kohli is a fast rising comedian, Only having been pursuing comedy for 24 months, he has already impressed in a number of competitions, having been a Fosters So You Think You're Funny Semi-Finalist 2013, a Fosters Golden Jesters Comedian of the Year 2014, and a Harrogate Comedian of the Year 2014 Finalist . His debut solo Edinburgh Show was rated 4* by Joshua Phillips, editor of the Oxford Theatre Review, and was described by the Edfringereview.com as "Genuinely inventive...fresh, funny and meticulously contemporary." Having already been billed with acts such as Lee Nelson (BBC 3), Mitch Benn, (Radio 4), Kai Humphries (The Comedy Store), Fern Brady (8 out of 10 cats, Stewart Lee’s Alternative Comedy Experience S2) and Will Mars (Joke Thieves), in such a short space of time, this is definitely a comedian to look out for in 2014.
The bonafide "comedy-fizz bomb" Ayrshire born comic Billy Kirkwood has established himself as one of the United Kingdom's most watchable and versatile acts thanks to his loveable on-stage presence. His inventive and energetic stand up performances, coupled with a unique ability to make anything funny and an unbridled mischievous streak, have charmed audiences the world over.The award winning comic performs to packed out clubs, venues, festivals and events all across the UK, clocking up sell-out one-man shows at the Glasgow, Edinburgh, Brighton and Manchester international comedy festivals. He's supported tours for huge names including Tim Minchin, Frankie Boyle, WWE"s Mick Foley and William Regal, and Police Academy's Michael Winslow. While his own smash hit show, "Billy Kirkwood: Show Me Your Tattoo" has taken him to Ireland, America, Canada and Malawi.As an in-demand MC Billy has hosted high-profile events including The Scottish Secret Policeman's Ball (8 years running), The Scottish Alternative Music Award, Scotland's Insane Championship Wrestling, and the Stan Lee Awards at the at Ka-Pow Comic Con in London.Billy has performed and shown support for many charities including Red Cross, Cancer Research, WWF, Marie Curie, Help for Heroes and many more. He also has an interest in developing up and coming talent, teaching workshops in public speaking and comedy performance.Billy's TV and radio work includes multiple appearances on the BBC, Comedy Central, MTV Europe and CW Network.
Coming soon Neil Skene Exposed.
Thankfully this show title is metaphorical rather than literal!for
2 nights only, Neil is bringing his solo show to Breakneck Comedy, he will lay himself bare and promises to expose anddispel some truths and myths about living with sight loss in a world he isforced to share with the sighted!
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Please note: locations are plotted on this map by their postcode so may not be precise. We advise you to contact the venue if you need exact directions!
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