Melusina, Luxembourg L-1831 Luxemburg
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Reviews of Melusina, Luxembourg in L-1831 Luxemburg
Melusina, Luxembourg venue information
What can you expect from a club that everyone in Luxembourg knows That it will up its game. A better sound system and a finely tuned acoustic,
in an environment that will do justice to one thing: The Music!
We want to share our passion for music with our audience. To make Melusina more than just a place for people to be seen; to make it a space where the music and its audience become the real experience. In an era dominated by mp3-mania, self-serving attitudes and digitial DJ’ing, Melusina will be a refuge for real talent.
Music To Your Ears
http: melusinaluxembourg
http: clubmelusina
Venue contact details and info
Name: Melusina, Luxembourg
Phone: +352 435922
Music Policy: Dance Electronica Funk Nu Disco Electro Detroit techno
Ambiance: Subtle and grand
Clientele: Clubbers Arty types
Drinks served: Smart cocktails,
Parking: Yes, nearby
Address: 145, rue de la Tour Jacob, L-1831 Luxemburg, AB10 1dd
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Nightclub
Dress code: Smart
Opening hours: 11pm-3am
Food served: Yes, traditional and continental
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