The Maze Hazlehead Park Aberdeen

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The Maze Hazlehead Park venue information

By the creators of Z in the Park, this promenade theatre experience takes you into the puzzle of the Maze to find a possible cure for the outbreak of Zombieism. Can you avoid the shufflers and reach the centre of the maze safely? Can you persuade the Red Militia to part with the cure?

Hear the stories of the lucky survivors but don't waste your time, you are against the cloak to avoid the shuffler swarm. Over 14s only.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Maze Hazlehead Park


Venue short url:

Type of venue: Outdoors

Dress code: Dress warmly for an outdoor event in October. Bring a torch.

Food served: no

Address: Hazlehead Avenue, Aberdeen, AB15 8BE


Capacity: 200

Ambiance: Scary

Drinks served: no

Parking: limited parking