New Year's Eve Countdown:

Bedford Park

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Reviews of Bedford Park in Bedford

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Showing the latest reviews from all events held at Bedford Park.

Review of Pete Tong Presents Ibiza Classics

Overall rating: 5

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Pete Tong Presents Ibiza Classics

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

Great better than bowl at Milton Keynes will look out for next year

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Nile Rodgers & CHIC

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

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Bedford Park venue information

Bedford is blessed with some beautiful parks and open space. Bedford Park is part of the town’s Victorian legacy, and with its formal gardens, carriage circuit and lake provide the perfect environment to take the open air. Set near the centre of Bedford, the Park forms the ideal venue for the Proms with easy access to public transport.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Bedford Park

Phone: 01908 649066

Capacity: 14,999

Address: Park Avenue, Bedford, MK41 7SS

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Outdoors

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