Circo Bar Birmingham

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Reviews of Circo Bar in Birmingham

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Review of Circo x DJ Soc: End of Term Party!

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Review of Circo x DJ Soc: End of Term Party!

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

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Circo Bar venue information

Circo Bar is a new venue, hidden in the heart of Selly Oak, Birmingham.

The venue has been redesigned and extensively refurbished to provide everything you would expect from Selly Oak's premier student destination.

Our aims are to offers the best value drinks, entertainment and live sports in Selly Oak. We are teaming up with some of the best DJs and bands Birmingham has to offer.

The venue has been cleverly designed to create a stylish lounge area, bar area, dance arena, and a fully heated garden with a gazebo, outside bar and BBQ all situated down one alley in the centre of Selly Oak.

Circo Bar will be more than happy to accommodate socials and party bookings, with parts of the venue able to host private parties. (Please message us if you are interested in booking)

We are actively looking to sponsor University of Birmingham Sports Teams, Societies, Courses and Hall of Residence. (Please message us if you are interested in sponsorhip)

Venue contact details and info

Name: Circo Bar

Address: 580 Bristol Rd, Birmingham, B29 6BE


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Type of venue: Bar/Pub