Cobbles Clay Art Café Haworth
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Cobbles Clay Art Café venue information
However, Cobbles and Clay the Art Café also offers pottery painting. We provide you with a choice of unglazed pottery shapes which you paint to your own design. We then glaze it in our kiln for you to keep.
We also do special one off evenings of acoustic music,poetry etc.
Venue contact details and info
Name: Cobbles Clay Art Café
Phone: 01535 644 218
Capacity: 50
Type of venue: Live
Drinks served: Yes
Parking: No
Address: 60 Main St, Haworth, BD22 8DP
Venue short url:
Music Policy: occasional evening acoustic nights
Opening hours: 9am - 5pm 7 days a week + evening specials
Food served: Yes
Nearest Train Station: Keighley