Royal Pavilion Tavern Brighton

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Reviews of Royal Pavilion Tavern in Brighton

Royal Pavilion Tavern venue information

When visiting Brighton, if in doubt about where to go, pop into the Royal Pavilion Tavern (also known as the 'Pav Tav'). If you live in Brighton the Pav Tav is a place you will end up going to at some point during the evening. It's simply a friendly, lively and laid back bar. At a first impression, some may say it is Brighton's version of Weatherspoons, but I'd say it has a lot more character than that. Drinks are cheap so it's very popular with students and has a buzzing atmosphere throughout the week as well as at weekends.

The premises itself is laid out well with plenty of tables and sofas to sit on, the bar staff are always very friendly and don't mind partaking in a bit of light hearted banter with you. They regularly have live music playing as well as having an upstairs area which is used as a venue for gigs and functions, usually local bands or fundraising concerts with cakes and music. The upstairs venue isn't especially pleasant looking, and it can get a bit cold, but it's usually pretty fun if it's busy. If you're looking for somewhere classy and quiet, the Pav Tav isn't for you, but if you want to go to a low key, fun and friendly bar for a few cheap drinks and a laugh then the Pav Tav is your perfect local.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Royal Pavilion Tavern

Address: 7-8 Castle Square, Brighton, BN1 1FX

Phone: 01273 827641

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live

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