SML College Fishersgate

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SML College SML College’s new President, Professor Rose Luckin will give the first of these lectures.

Rose Luckin is Professor of Learner Centred Design at the UCL Knowledge Lab, UCL Institute of Education and Director of EDUCATE.

Rose’s lecture will be about computer science and AI applied to education. She is a world-leader in this field with a new book out on the subject.

Rose believes that AI can help us:

> improve routine cognitive processes and make them more efficient
> locate gaps in our knowledge
> develop higher order thinking skills
> identify inaccuracies in how we perceive our strengths and weaknesses – and what we know and don’t know.

Rose is in the process of developing a robot to take on the teaching assistant role in schools. The robot (called ‘Colin’) will collect data which will help identify where individual learners need the most support.

Formal session – lecture and Q&A session 6pm to 7pm.

Then drinks and canapes for informal discussion through to 8pm, including the chance to buy a signed copy of her book ‘Machine Learning and Human Intelligence: The future of education for the 21st century’.

Venue contact details and info

Name: SML College

Phone: 01273 987629

Venue short url:

Nearest Train Station: Fishersgate

Address: Technology House, West Road, Fishersgate, Portslade, Fishersgate, BN41 1QH


Type of venue: Nightclub