Artspace Lifespace Bristol

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Artspace Lifespace venue information

A hidden arts and club venue in central Bristol with an industrial yet intimate feel found nowhere else in the city.

Situated in the former police cells, outdoor training yard and motorbike car park, the venue has a unique and industrial aesthetic to it and is literally an underground venue. The adjoining former training yard acts as an outdoor smoking area for the venue.

We work with promoters to ensure that the Venue hosts a unique blend of music, attracts fantastic crowds and that the atmosphere of our nights are fun, safe and inclusive. Here at The Island Venue, we take pride in looking after our professional quality sound system to ensure that our small grassroots venue has world-class sound.

We are committed to the Good night out Campaign, an independent campaign working with clubs, bars, pubs and venues around the UK and Ireland to end harassment on nights out.

We’re independent and proud of it and our whole ethos is to provide a vibrant friendly and clean bar, with a selection of natural energy drinks alongside our standard bar selection for the audience who would like to have a non-alcoholic healthy drink.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Artspace Lifespace

Phone: 0117 376 3457

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

Opening hours: 10pm - 3am

Address: The Island, Nelson Street, Bristol, BS1 2BE


Capacity: 250

Dress code: No restrictions

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