Nelson Street Bristol City Centre

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Nelson Street Bristol City Centre venue information

This summer, Bristol will play host to the most diverse art project to take place in the UK, with live projections, art installations and some of the biggest names in street art descending on the city from 13th- 19th August.
The event will be accompanied by Hear No Evil, organised by Team Love and featuring a series of music events throughout the week and a FREE New York style Block Party on Saturday 18th August on Nelson Street, with the main road remaining closed to vehicles on Sunday 19th August for further public viewing.
A visual spectacular will open the weekend’s music on Friday 17th August: Joanie Lemercier of world-renowned projection experts AntiVJ and Adrian Utley of Portishead have been commissioned to collaborate on an immersive performance in the Passenger Shed in Temple Meads.
This FREE ticketed performance, which is curated by Watershed, will also feature a film programme, supporting special guests and a host of performers including Will Gregory of Goldfrapp.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Nelson Street Bristol City Centre

Phone: N A

Type of venue: Outdoors

Address: Nelson Street, Bristol, BS1 2LE

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Nearest Train Station: Bristol Temple Meads

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