The Oaks Hotel Burnley
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Reviews of The Oaks Hotel in Burnley
The Oaks Hotel venue information
That is why we think it is about time that Lancashire had a fun packed day for you and the children with fantastic deals and discounts that you can take advantage of, but we also have great deals and discounts for all the hard working mothers out there too.
(A great excuse to treat you.....Guilt free)
Lancashire’s Mother, Baby and Toddler Discount Fair will be taking place on July 3rd 2011 and will be held at The Oaks Hotel in Burnley.
There will be treasure hunts, fancy dress competitions, face painting and lots more for the kids to enjoy.
And for the adults there will be fabulous jewelry, clothes and of course lots of baby and toddler stalls, jam packed with the best branded stuff at a discounted price.
There will also be scrumptious scones and cupcakes to indulge in throughout the day and some tea and coffee to keep your eyes wide open at all the peachy deals we have.
Venue contact details and info
Name: The Oaks Hotel
Address: colne road, Burnley, BB10 2LF
Phone: 01282 414141
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Gallery