Cardiff Metropolitan University Llandaff

Cardiff Metropolitan University Llandaff events

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Reviews of Cardiff Metropolitan University Llandaff in Cardiff

Cardiff Metropolitan University Llandaff venue information

The Ulimate Pre's. A Frat Party Themed event hosted in Cardiff Met Llandaff Campus working alongside Soda one of the top Cardiff nighclubs, we provide foodm entertainment, discounted soda ticket and a jello-shot on arrival. Why Miss out, When there's no need to?

Venue contact details and info

Name: Cardiff Metropolitan University Llandaff

Phone: 07890315367

Capacity: 70

Dress code: ANYTHING

Opening hours: 19.00pm - 22.00pm

Address: 200 Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

Clientele: Over 18's Only

Food served: Pizza and chips. Popcorn.