Dotty Pots Penarth

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Dotty Pots venue information

Premier pottery painting and casting studio located in Penarth, Cardiff.

Dotty Pots is Penarths first ever Ceramic Painting Studio, a place where you can set your creativity free. Ceramic painting is a fun and absorbing activity for all ages from about 3 years old. We stock a wide range of bisques (undecorated pottery) that are just waiting to be transformed into masterpieces, unique keepsakes or the perfect gift. Our friendly staff are on hand to provide hints and tips on the best way to use our top quality paints, tools, stamps and stencils, ensuring everybody can create something fabulous, regardless of their artistic ability. Then leave it with us to be glazed and fired, and it is ready to collect in about a week.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Dotty Pots


Venue short url:

Ambiance: Casual, relaxed

Clientele: Adults, children,

Drinks served: Tea, coffee soft drinks

Disabled facilities: Small lip on entrance door, small ground level WC

Address: 6 Herbert Terrace, Penarth, CF64 2AH


Type of venue: Nightclub

Dress code: Casual

Opening hours: Wed-fri 1030-1730 Saturday 1000-1700 Sunday 1000-1600

Food served: Basic snacks

Parking: On street parking