BRILLIANT Park Hall Hotel And Lesiure Club Chorley

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BRILLIANT Park Hall Hotel And Lesiure Club venue information

Conveniently located just off the M6, Park Hall Hotel is situated in between Manchester, Preston and Liverpool and is the perfect spot to spend a weekend exploring Lancashire. Our hotel is only a short drive from a train station, meaning you have plenty of travel options to maximise your stay, while we also have Yarrow Valley Country Park, a number of cosy pubs and picturesque scenery on our doorstep to enjoy if you are searching for a quiet getaway. Whether you are stopping off on a long journey, taking a trip to The Fylde coast or visiting family,

Venue contact details and info

Name: BRILLIANT Park Hall Hotel And Lesiure Club

Phone: 01257754000

Capacity: 500

Opening hours: 00:00-23:59

Address: PARK HALL ROAD, Chorley, PR7 5LP

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Hotel

Parking: Free Onsite Parking