New Year's Eve Countdown:

Brio Leisure Northwich

Brio Leisure Northwich events

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Brio Leisure Northwich venue information

Glitterati Promotions presents…

Awesome DJs
Invite and tag your friends
Make new friends
Get some quality insta worthy selfies
Rave your socks off
Have the greatest night of your life

This is event is guaranteed to sell out

Event time - 7pm – 10pm
Brio Leisure Centre, Northwich

Note to parents
We understand that it may be worrying to let your children attend therefore we wanted to reassure you of the below;
• Only soft drinks will be on sale
• Qualified First Aiders present at event
• No customers aged 18+ will be able to attend the event
• Smoking is prohibited
• Anybody found to have alcohol or be intoxicated will be refused entry and will instead be kept to one side with a member of staff until they can be collected
• We take the safety of your children extremely seriously and want them to have a great time in a fun and healthy environment

Venue contact details and info

Name: Brio Leisure Northwich

Address: Chester Way Retail Park, Northwich, CW9 5QJ


Venue short url:

Type of venue: Live