Sturminster Exchange Sturminster Newton

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Sturminster Exchange venue information

Who are we

The Exchange is a multipurpose building offering a high degree of flexibility for a wide range of uses. It is a community centre, a registered charity, an arts centre and a learning centre. Offering great potential for community, leisure and entertainment activities, The Exchange also delivers a business orientated dimension.

A Short History

The Exchange is the culmination and the focal point of a remarkable community initiative to take the lead in the regeneration of the historic market town of Sturminster Newton. The building embodies many significant themes; the process of regeneration, the active involvement of local people, architectural quality and environmental awareness.

In 1997 the livestock market that had made Sturminster Newton the hub of the Blackmore Vale was closed down. Seven acres of derelict land were left, only a stone’s throw from the very centre of town. This was followed in 2000 by the loss of the prize winning creamery. Residential development started to expand the population at an ever increasing rate. Contemplating the loss of amenities and employment opportunities, local people had the vision to see that the empty site offered an opportunity to give the town new heart and purpose, but that unless the community found a way to take the initiative; the opportunity would be lost forever.

A carefully co-ordinated design for the entire site, by local architect Philip Proctor, incorporated a GP surgery, the co-operative store and other commercial spaces together with The Exchange, which stands at the head of the site. A major priority was environmental responsibility, an example of which are the high levels of insulation and natural ventilation to contribute towards the aim of beign energy efficient..The innovative nature of the partnerships formed during the design and development process has attracted attention across the South West and has enabled the success of a project many thought beyond reach. In 2011, in only its fourth year of existence, The Exchange was awarded the title of ‘Best Small Live Music Venue in the UK’ in a Parliamentary competition. This alone stands testament to the hard work and support of all involved with The Exchange; from its conception to the present day.

The site holds a lot of history and special memories and while The Exchange is helping to create many new and exciting ones, tribute is paid to days gone by. Reminders of the sites former purpose can still be found incorporated into The Exchange, including the original cattle market sign and bell, which is rung at every performance taking place.
For many, The Exchange is the centre piece of a ground breaking effort of regeneration and this important site has been reclaimed to provide a focus for the town and the network of villages that is the Blackmore Vale. Over 25 community groups use the building on a regular basis and the building relies heavily on volunteers from the town to ensure that it can be open daily. This is done with the support of three full time members of staff under the supervision of the charities board of trustees.

If you are interested in finding out more or would like to arrange a tour, please do contact us. We are always more than willing to share our story!

Venue contact details and info

Name: Sturminster Exchange

Address: Old Market Hill, Sturminster Newton, DT10 1FH

Phone: 01258 475137

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Theatre