Wickerman Festival Site Dundrennan reviews by real event-goers

Reviews of Wickerman Festival Site in Dundrennan

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Goodbye Wickerman its been emotional

Overall rating: 3.5

Alas my fellow festival goers this is it the end is in sight. Wickerman as we all know and love it is unfortunatelly falling victim to its own successs and following in same doomed path as our other festivals. Beer tokens is just a total rip off to say the least. I remember when you could take cans of beer and plastic bottles of booze into the festival sight and it encouraged us to go into the festival earlier spend the day on the grass, buy food,buy MORE DRINK walk round the festival stalls buying something which was always very different from other festivals but not this year, again it was a total rip off and I could have closed my eyes and been at any other "BIG" TITP, Rockness etc festival. But this year my group of 18 in total aged from 18 - 45yrs stayed in the main campsite and waited till it was time to see the headliners. Toilets were good this year. I do believe Wickerman needs to evolve, rejuvenate every year but at what cost. Your going the right way of becoming mainstream and not beautifully chilled, different, friendly. You can just tell with the total carnage that was left in the campsite it was disgraceful and those who dont clean up after themselves should be made stay to clean their mess. I couldn't believe the personal rubbish left behind by inconsiderate pigs. I have really missed the dangleberries again this year bring them back......love to all....I'm hanging up my Wickerman Wellies. I want to be left with my memories of Wickerman before it becomes a copy cat of every other festival that circuits the UK every year.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Wickerman Festival

Overall rating: 3

Festival was publicised as family friendly but was not. Goldie looking Chain was on main stage late in the afternoon on the Friday, with many children present. Gratuitously crude and foul language, offensive lyrics, none of which children should be exposed to. I am no prude and some swear words would not be that big a deal for children to hear. But Goldie looking Chain put off everyone in my group. They should have been in a small tent at a much later hour. The Fun fare very loud until quite late. Dance music played until 04:30!!!! Not ok by any standards! Got no sleep on Friday night so myself and others in my tent packed up and camped elsewhere Saturday night. Nothing special (the weather was good though!) and I will not return. I think the festival was trying to be too many things to too many people. Don't say it is family friendly if it is not - having a loud fun fare does not make it family friendly.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

It's not really getting better - but it's still good!

Overall rating: 3

This was our fourth Wickerman on the trot and, although we're already planning next year's trip up, I'm sorry to say that each year the festival moves further away from the chilled out event we first attended.
For the most part, the security was a little better than last year, with less searching. But those who were searched seemed to have this done in a way I've only seen when people set the alarm off at the airport or to away fans at Premier League games where trouble is expected. A quick look in a bag is one thing, but making people stand with arms outstretched whilst security people run their hands over arms, legs etc - is this really necessary for a family orientated festival?
And as many of us say - why is is such a big deal for people to bring in a bit of booze - when our cans get warm we invariably turn to the delights of a cold one from the bar! You will still turn a good profit - honest!
Then there's the thing with water. Please signpost drinking water we can get for free if you insist on turning back anyone with an opened water bottle.
Drinks prices seem OK to me - but then we're used to paying over £3 for a pint down south! But please can we have some real draught cider (as well as pear) next year? And I absolutely agree with the poster who commented on the fact that Brothers festival cider sold in Tescos is stronger than that on offer at a festival!
My last comment on securrity - we had something stolen and a few people around us (ordinary camping field) also had the same experience. Might the security firm be instructed to do a little more patrolling to try to preserve property and discourage excesses such as peeing up the sides of tents and a little less booze searching?
I've seen some complaints about not being able to use camping stoves - presumably gas ones. We had no idea there was any prohibition and cooked all weekend on gas. Does anyone know if this was a real rule imposed or just one steward's lack of knowledge or misinterpreation of instructions?
Music - not so much to my own taste this year - Charlatans and OCS never did anything for me at the time, but my son and his mates all enjoyed them. Friday seemed a bit samey to me so I enjoyed the more eclectic line up on Saturday - a bit of bluegrass followed by a gospel choir was really refreshing early on. Shame we couldn't have a good old reggae band like last year and Max Romeo in 2008. Thusrday night in the Green Man a real highlight - but where were the Dangleberries - get them back next year (main stage), no matter what you have to pay them!!
Compliments to the staff acting as stewards on entry - we found then really friendly on Thursday lunchtime. But didn't notice litter pickers this year? And the campsite seemed to be much dirtier than previously - not the festival organisers' fault, just us great British public I'm afraid. Might it be an idea to go back to having people coming round the tents giving out black bags as opposed to us asking for them up at the wristband station?
Toilets seem to me to be just about OK - they didn't seem to be cleaned as much as last year, but still mostly not too awful. But surely someone could do something to improve the flow in the urinals (especially those by the cigarette booth). And, although not my own problem, I agree with some female posters - how about arranging some toilets a little closer to the bar for women (even if you make them fermale only)?
So, yes some moans but my son and his mates are already planning next year's trip, so it can't be all that bad!
Final point - had anyone ever seen any responses to the points we are making from the festival organisers? It would be nice to hear their views and explanations, even if (as I suspect) they will only tell us that the booze bans are necessary for health and safety reasons and that other problems are outwith their control.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes


Overall rating: 4.5

Another enjoyable year at the Wickerman.

Found the quiet area remarkably quieter this year compared to last year, with the dance tents moved to the bottom of the other field, with the odd exception of a couple returning to tent at early morning (Sat.) with loud voices and swearing. But if you go to a festival you can not expect it to be tranquil.

Prices at festival, again it is a festival so you expect to pay higher prices, did not appear more expensive than last year. Apart from the doughnuts as noted in an earlier post. £1 a doughnut, but you do not have to buy, it is not compulsory.

Stewards that were encountered appeared reasonable, and not unduly concerned about having bag searched a couple of times, which contained bottles of water so not a problem.

Toilets at quiet area not a problem, seen a lot worse, and they were cleaned in morning then late afternoon, but since they do not flow into a sewer then they will fill up.

Overall organisation of festival is good, with musical tastes for all well catered. Line ups will not to be everyones liking, and that getting into to scooter tent for buzz****s may have been a problem for some. But goes to show the popularity of some of the old bands still on the go.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

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had a great time

Overall rating: 4

this is my second wf and i have two boys age 4 and 6 there is a group of bout 30 of of us go and bout 18 kids aged from 1-16 i thought it was very relaxing and all the kids loved it people who complain bout noise im sorry but. what do you expect from a open aired festival. will defo be back next year good time had by all.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Last time I think

Overall rating: 3

This was our (me, other half and two mates) 4th Wickerman and despite wanting to keep it to ourselves we decided to bring another mate along. We wanted to keep it quiet cos it used to be great, friendly, hassle free which is good news for a festival but not any more.
The state of the main campsite was a disgrace. I don't want to camp surrounded by other people's crap. In earlier years everyone used to bin their rubbish and keep the site pretty tidy but now they feel it's ok to just chuck it outside their tent.
The security onto the main field was rubbish, one person per queue to search etc was looking for trouble.
I don't understand why security didn't check people coming off the camper van field though - a couple I talked to in the acoustic tent had a full bottle of vodka that they'd brought in a rucksack yet my mate had his rucksack searched at the main entrance. If you're going to search people then the rule should apply to everybody especially when you're paying over 3 quid a pop for a beer - maybe folks are more trustworthy on the other fields!
DnD tickets were a waste of time - why aren't there any additional toilets in the main field. Why aren't there enough toilets on the main field full stop. Alright if you're a bloke with all the urinals dotted about but no bogs next to the bar - come on.
This is also the first time that I've had anything lifted. Within half an hour of getting on the camping field my mate's chair had been nicked. When I came back to my tent on Friday night my sleeping bag had been pinched from insude the zipped up sleeping area of the tent. It's bad enough that someone feels it's ok to go in someone else's tent and help themselves but I have an 'extreme conditions' sleeping bag worth over £100 so I hope the little scrote who nicked it enjoyed his cozy kip.
I'm not an old fart and have been going to festivals for years but I'll be looking for another one instead next July.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: No

Wickerman Virgins

We attended WM as a family of first timers, (the kids are 10,7 & 6 ) We had a really great time, and the atmosphere and friendliness of those around us was great. We camped in Disabled facilty which is right next to the arena but were so tired out after all the trekking and dancing that we had no probs sleeping. Even with the endless noise from the bungee thing and the screaming from the funfair. I had no probs taking drinks (in kids own juice bottles) in for them but was searched every time, must look dodgy(a throwback from my distant youth!!) We all had DnD passes and never used them due to lack of facilties and huge queues, won`t waste the money again!!

Agree with most of the comments about the Scooter tent, we really wanted to hear the Buzz***ks, undertones and Bombskare but couldn`t get in!! These acts should have been main stage.

Praise to the Axis Rreggae tent for some great tunes and a decent cuppa well priced. Even had normal priced snacks - well done and a favourite with us and our friends.

The burning of the fabulous Wickerman was a real highlight and nice ending to a great weekend. Kids say we are going next year so that will be that!

didn't know what to expect

Overall rating: 3

As wickerman virgins, although accompanied by some veterans of the festival, we were pleasently surprised by the scale, set up and suuroundings - all v impressive. the music was eclectic, enjoyable and we found some hidden treasures in the solus tent, and we loved the friendliness and chilled feel to it all. the sacrifice of WM himself on Sat night was great.

However, there weren't enough loo facilities in the main areana (esp if you then have to queue to get back in to the arena afer nipping to the DnD ones a fair way away), the drinks were too pricey when there was an unneccesary embargo on BYO, and those bloody rides! why oh why did that awful bungee thing have to sit inbetween the solus and scooter tents, doing its best to drown them both out? really annoying. the solus tent was great, but too loud, even for my deteriorating hearing. and there was a completely unneccessary and embarrassing show by the security in there who frog marched a poor guy out and summoned the police when he jumped over the barrier to get a CD encouraged by the band who'd thrown the CD in the first place. totally uncalled for. Apparently some of the bands were even put off by the noise of those rides in the acoustic tent.

We will be back next year, but we are also afraid it will become too money hungry and security will be even more ridiculous, and if so, I'm afraid that'll be our last.

PS the venison kebabs and haggis were spot on!

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Had a blast-again!

Overall rating: 4.5

My 6th WM,my BFs 3rd and my 13yr old sons 1st,decided to pitch in quiet camping this year as bass camp moved down bottom of arena,was so glad we did although you could still hear it till 5am!Big thankyou to Sherpas who drove us and all our gear up in their pick-up truck from bottom of carpark,youre amazing!
Have to agree with majority of posters that main stage line-up was pretty poor this year,spent most of our time in the scooter tent(when we could get in)acoustic and reggae tent,best price for juice and muffins for no 1 son by the way.Only searched once when we went in on thursday night through main entrance,well my BF was and I was the one with the drink stashed lol.Security was a lot more laid back at the Q camping entrance,walked in with bottles of water(need to keep hydrated when youre smuggling in OVD n c**e lol)and was never challenged.Must have an honest face.
Still spent money at bar,even though overpriced and crap,loved stormin norman,he should be on every night.
My son loved his first festival especially the burning and asked about going back next year when we were on the(not so)happy bus back.
Didnt see too much nediness thankfully probably due to where we camped.
Toilets were good most of weekend but definitely less of them in main arena every year that ive been.
Took most of our own food,we have always taken a small campingas stove and never had a problem,but indulged in a few hog rolls,lovely.
Overall had a blast but please sort out the scooter tent for next year,missed most of the bands I wanted to see!

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes


Overall rating: 4

It was our first Wickerman this year after finally accepting that the UNBEATABLE Connect Festival was not returning...and I was not disappointed...the size of the venue and crowd was ideal, as I refuse to deal with the neds and madness at TITP anymore (now I've left my twenties lol). A few gripes, yes, the shower queue was too long (more please) and no point in buying the DnD toilet pass if it was outside the venue....a truly wasted £6. The fact that booze was not allowed into the venue was a joke, I've never been to a festival with this insane rule - surely a no glass rule is sufficient?? Food should have been beside the Chillout zone, where it would have been nice to sit and eat...not in front of the bungee rocket - noise was driving me mental while eating my DELISHHH hog roll!

Thursday night in the beer tent having a dance to a live band then a dj with some awesomely cheesy tracks was a highlight, so why no more of that for the rest of the weekend? 808 was great on saturday but theres only so much dance fuelled beats I can deal with at 4am!!

Charlatans rocked my world!! Missed the Buzz****s due to the tiny Scooter tent fiasco...some great bands in Solus..Withered Hand, Conquering Animal Sounds etc!

Also loved being surrounded by happy young kids, gave the festival a great vibe!

I will deffo be back next year (with an inflatable mattress this time....)

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Another good year

Overall rating: 4

I've been to the Wickerman afew times before and each time it seems to improve. I had no problems with security who (compared to previous years) were friendly. The D & D toilets were a marked improvement over last year. As for not being able to take drinks in I can understand that they want people to buy alcohol on site (they do have to make a profit)and as for soft drinks who can say if a bottle contains c**e or vodka and c**e. Overall the atmosphere was very friendly although there was one or two people who let the side down. I will be attending next year.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes


I must agree with a point in an earlier post, the ned element was encouraged by the charlatans and ocs, i grew up in the charlatans era and respect their musical abilities and do almost like a couple of tunes (ocs, in my opinion, music fir folk who dont like music, boooooring), but its inevitable they will draw dullards who dont know what a festival is. Sorry to sound like throwing stereotypes and sweeping generalizations, but you know its true!
The festival will still be as popular without such acts, keep it alternative, let the neds have "Stabbed in the dark" and we can keep our chilled, scumbag free WM!!!!!!!

Why allow the stalls to be so noisy??

Overall rating: 4

Great weekend - great music - my highlight was Pama International - fantastic sound.

Only real gripe was the excess noise around the food area - the noise from the machine was really louds and repetitive and the Solus tent was way too loud.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Am I going again? Hmmm. It's a tricky one...

Overall rating: 3.5

Had a blast as usual. But the security on the gates really p*ssed me off. I got searched three times...and that after never having been searched during any of my two previous visits to WM.

The fact that the security guards are searching people at all is, in my view, contrary to the spirit of the festival I encountered when I first attended three years ago - where the security guards weren't really giving a toss, and the whole atmosphere was far more chilled as a result.

Another gripe about the searches is that they caused huge queues on the main gate - again something I had never encountered at the WM before; and again something I got pretty crabby about.

Honestly, guys, if I was wanting to put up with this sort of hassle I'd go to TITP (where, incidentally, I've never been searched, and never had to queue for so long to get in!).

I thus agree wholeheartedly with the other posters who have suggested turning down the gate security a notch and having a more relaxed attitude about taking drink in - at the end of the day, the organisers are still going to sell a shed load of booze - and perhaps even more, as most people would go to the arena earlier, instead of drinking their carry-outs at their tents.

But I fear that the security won't be toned down - the WM's just getting too big and too commercialised.

Having said all this, I still enjoyed it. But I don't know if I'll go back. I might give it one more stab, just for nostalgia's sake. But if I encounter the same problems again that will be that.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

yeay :)

Overall rating: 4

Great festival, as always. The only disruption we encountered were on the most part, sadly I think, down to the hardcore that had turned up solely for OCS / Charlatans.

For folk saying that they had to pay £2 to get water, it might be worth bearing in mind next time that tap water is *always* free from the bars. Nice to have that advertised maybe though organisers please?

Security / Bar staff - last year the security at the gates to the arena were IME on more than one occasion, pretty rude. This year those that I encountered were on the whole very friendly and did their best to get queues in quickly. The only complaint I heard was from one guy in the reggae tent who had an aggressive steward shout at him to put a cigarette out when there were 6 people smoking joints right next to him who weren't spoken to at all.

Prices for food - a little higher than last year perhaps but all in all on a level with every other festival in the UK.

Toilets - for the most part fine, apart from sunday morning / very last thing sat night, as expected. Once again really disappointed that cubicles were only in two locations in the arena, meaning that us girls drinking in the bar area had to walk across/through the main stage crowd to get to the ones by the headphone disco. Any chance there could be some put by the urinals by the greenman? pleeeeease?

The only real gripe I have is nothing to do with the festival organisers or staff - but the ignorant f***ers who left their rubbish strewn across the campsite. Takes two minutes to clear up after yourselves guys.

So yeah, thanks to everyone involved, see you next year!

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Great weekend

Overall rating: 4.5

Third time for me and every bit as enjoyable.

I've read all the reviews and opinions so far and agree with some, disagree with others but understand why we all have our own gripes.
One of my gripes, doughnuts £1 each or 4 for £4, what the!!!
I seem to be on my own about the Scooter tent though. I think it was the right size. The biggest crowd we seen was for the Undertones and we got in, great atmosphere. In fact we got into the tent for every act we wanted to see. It took us a few songs before we were allowed into the Buzz****s, but did get in. I think the Security people learned from that. But to the Security person that told me to move from the back to nearer the front at the Sex Pistols Experience to let more people in. Get real, did you really think someone my age was going to go in among the pogo's. Great to watch but not my idea of fun to join in.
Yes some of the acts could have graced the main stage, but the Scooter tent is what it is, a great place to watch those types of bands. Loved the big screens as well, nice touch. Maybe an idea would be to bring some of those back next year for the main stage.

The Wickerman attraction is its size. I for one don't really want to walk any further than it is, things have to be close together, so I don't really get the complaints about this too close to that etc. They have to be, it's a small festival. I think on the whole they got it right.

Own drink not allowed in the arena, I agree with the principal but we brought a few cans in each time we came from the campsite, sometimes we got caught, but hey we weren't sent to prison, just sent away to think again about being a little bit smarter and inventive, all good fun, nothing to get hung up about. Still spent a fortune at the bars though.

Thought the Policing was good, they integrated with good humour and dealt with what they needed to, not an easy balance to get right but felt they achieved it.

Food was generally good, don't know about the doughnuts though, we all have our price point, and they surpassed mine! Shame I like doughnuts.
Drink: pear cider was my tipple from the bar and ahem Carlsberg from my tent. I think the drink was expensive but again it was always going to be, it's a festival. One thing that puzzles me, why can I buy Brothers pear cider at Tesco which says on the bottle "festival strength" and it's about 7 something in alchohol volume but at the festival it was only 4 something???

Have to admit it was annoying going to the trough for a pee and finding it overflowing, didn't like that at all. Don't know who to blame for that though, punters throwing things in them or rubbish troughs, don't know.

Purchased D&D toilets and shower and was glad I did, bit of a long wait on Saturday morning for a shower, but I was doing nothing else, and it was worth the wait.

Anyway, the bands, I enjoyed the whole weekend, rambling about seeing different ones, The Go Team surprised me, I'd never heard of them and thought they were brilliant, The Charlatans were musically perfect, Tony Christie was a nice addition, like Candi Statton last year, there's a place for these kind of acts at Wickerman. 808 State, I don't really like that kind of stuff but thoroughly enjoyed them, the sound and light show were immense. I think it is a great idea to put something like that on after the amazing burning of the Wickerman, there clearly was an audience for it. William Douglas and the Wheel was a great act to watch in the Ingrid Pitt tent.

All in all we had an amazing time and will be back next year. Please don't mess too much with the Wickerman formula, you're not far away from perfection, maybe cheaper doughnuts and you're there.

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

3rd time and had a Blast as always

Overall rating: 4

another year another superb wickerman festival, arrived early thursday and got a cracking spot with the mates... sun came out late that night which was magic and headed into the main arena for a giggle in the silent disco which is always a hit!!!

Friday weather was the bizness... highlight for me was the charlatans, alot of people thought they were not up for it or took a but of time to get into it but i think burgess and co were slightly concerned about the mosh pit at the front as it was bit wild as i was right at the front and people were getting really badly crushed!!!....belted out his classics which was superb.... also enjoyed teenage fanclub
highlights saturday were unicorn kid, saw docs
OCS were alright and the 808 states boys played a classic set list, hats off to them ...

thought the dance tents were nothing great this year unfortunatley ...the U&A tent i really enjoyed as the atmposphere was jumping...as for skiddle tent, couldnt really feel the same in there.....

drink prices were a joke ...a hot can of lager once the crappy draught ran out was scandlous for 2 tokens (£3.40)....

food imo was great ... loved the haggis stall and one of my mates must have ate about 8 Hog Rolls lol...

and finally regarding the noise... its a festival full of drunk people who are there for a party all weekend, yes we all need sleep at some point so take a set of ear plugs next year and you should be fine no matter where u sleep.....

roll on 2011..... and thanks again to all the organisers...

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

Drinks for kids

Just to add....

My friend and I had brought a bottle of squash and a Sigo water bottle so we would be able to give the kids plenty to drink throughout our time spent in the arena. We were not permitted to take it in.
It's a pretty bloody disgusting state of affairs when you are pretty much forced to hand over £2 a time to give your kids a drink. That was a lot of £2s that neither my friend or I had budgeted for.
And the fact that there wasn't even any water points in the arena, and you had to buy water at a ridiculously over inflated price, when you have young children in tow. Bad patter.
Not very 'family friendly' is it?
Sheer greed folks. Yuck.

good times

Overall rating: 3

it's my 7th Wickerman...no problem with the camping...quite enjoyed whoever was playing the guitar in the quiet camping area on the Saturday night..line up not as strong as in recent years but still enjoyable. 808 state were awesome.had no problem getting alcohol into the main area...ways and means lol.
going to try eden this year because i think WM has slightly lost it's way....but far better than last year...will be back

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

stinky loos blue zone

Overall rating: 4

this is our 6th wickerman and as ever we had a fab time. main complaints were the banning of liquids eg water to be taken in to the main arena, we like many who attend the festival are on a tight budget and cannot afford to pay for over priced bottles of water/alcohol etc. secondly the TOILETS in the blue camping zone were disgusting, they were constantly over flowing the sinks leaking and the smell pungent! we are use to the festival way of life and enjoy the whole experience but those toilets were a health risk!!!
the burning of the wickerman is awesome! but I feel the experience could be enhanced by adding some music eg: drummers/ bagpipes.
on the whole we had a great time and will be back next year. thanks

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

Would you recommended: Yes

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