Ardler Complex
How to Join
It could not be simpler. Just come along to the Complex, fill out a registration form and pick up a copy of our programme. There is no membership charge (except for weights gym) and you just pay as you go depending on the cost of the activity you have chosen. Many of the adult learning and youth activities are free of charge, so please ask the reception staff for advice on availability and cost.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday, 9 am - 9.30 pm
Saturday, 9.15 am - 1.15 pm
Rooms to Let
We have an assortment of small and large rooms which can meet a variety of uses. One of our rooms also has an induction loop facility.
So whether it's a meeting, training course, party or some kind of celebration why don't you come along and see what we have available. The following are just a selection of areas available for let:
Small Hall
A large function suite with a good dance floor. The area is extremely popular with parents who are looking for a party venue for younger children. In addition the Small Hall provides the ideal venue for public meetings.
Games Hall
A large-sized gym with its own facilities. This area can be used for most sports or parties with a sporting theme. We run a variety of classes, from basketball to gymnastics, in the Games Hall, so contact us to see what we can offer you.
Meeting Room
Ideal for meetings or training sessions. The room can comfortably seat 25 people. Flipchart, television, VCR DVD player or refreshments can be provided if required.
If you wish to receive one of our letting packs, call in to the Complex, or if it's more convenient, telephone 01382 436442 and we will post one out to you.
Complex Programme
For full details of our programme, visit the 'regular activities' area of this website, or pop in to the Complex for a copy of our colour brochure.
Kidzone Youth Work
Contact Lesley Wallace on 01382 436442 for an up to date programme of what is on within the Ardler St Mary's area.
Complex-based Adult Learning
Thinking about learning something new
Want to meet new people
Got some spare time
Want to get back to work
Want to improve your fitness
Fancy going to college
There is a wide variety of learning opportunities available for adults within the Complex.
There are a number of established learning groups in the complex, and you can find out more about those on the centre programme page. The groups are informal, the staff are friendly and the learning is fun!
Some of the groups in the complex include:
Fitness suite, Parents Group, Women's Group, Karate, Body Combat, Aerobics, Yoga, Weights Gym, Decoupage, German, Card Making, Scrabble, Salsa Dancing, Job Club, Walking Group and Squash.
The Complex can also offer the following:
Help with reading, writing and spelling
Help with finding work
Information and help with health issues
Family life and learning opportunities
Stress management sessions
Courses with Dundee College and Dundee University
Contact Caroline Bairner on 01382 436442 for further information.
Staff hold discussions with adult learners so they can develop new activities and groups, and are always interested in finding out what adults in the community would like to become involved with.
The groups run throughout the year.
Our Adult Education staff are always on hand to assist you. We have close links with the Dundee Healthy Living Initiative.
Local Management Group
There is an opportunity for local people to become involved in Complex decision making.
Leisure programme ideas, social gatherings and fundraising are just some of the ideas which our current Management Group is involved in. As the Management Group is a registered charity, it has also attracted funds for the purpose of improving the building. If you attend the Complex and have benefited from its many opportunities, you may feel you want to offer something back, or you may simply live locally and want to help your Complex develop further. Whatever your interest, we would be pleased to meet you and explain in greater detail how you can become involved in your Complex Management Group.
To get more information on the Complex, please contact Scott Rodgers on 01382 436442.