Black Horse Beamish County Durham

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Reviews of Black Horse Beamish in County Durham

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Review of Black Horse Beamish Wedding Showcase

Overall rating: 4.5 Verified review

Very beautiful place

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

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Review of Black Horse Beamish Wedding Showcase

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

Music Venue Prices Atmosphere

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Review of Black Horse Beamish Wedding Showcase

Overall rating: 5 Verified review

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Would you recommended: Yes

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Black Horse Beamish venue information

Set in stunning countryside the Black Horse boasts its own 10 acres of on site vegetable gardens and orchards, offering a rare “field to plate” dining experience.

Nestled within the Beamish Conservation Valley just minutes from the Famous Beamish Museum and Tanfield Railway, the Black Horse secretly resides itself.

Beautifully restored this 300 year old pub retains all of its charm and atmosphere, welcoming you with its open fires, flag stone flooring, and a clever mix of eclectic furniture. The bar is well stocked with delicious real ales and fine wines. The kitchen makes use of the estate’s generous 33 acres, boasting paddocks, orchards, vegetable and herb gardens to stock the pantry with the freshest organic produce.

The setting couldn’t be more idyllic with the spectacular panoramic views, the historical fabric of the building, and with resident Red Kites flying overhead, all within an unbelievable 15 minutes drive from Durham city centre and Newcastle city centre.

The menu changes regularly according to what is available in the garden along with the timeless classics that are always available such as the Beef and Bombardier Pie with Red Row Vegetables and Beer Battered Cod Fillet and Hand Cut Chips.

Make the most of your weekend and enjoy a traditional hearty Sunday Lunch available from £8.95.

The Black Horse is a unique venue with great flexibility that can be booked for any occasion whether it be an intimate dinner for two, a wedding reception or ceremony, business lunch, family celebration, funerals or large corporate event. Whatever the occasion, the facilities available are endless, whether it be inside or outside, upstairs or downstairs, formal or informal an area can be reserved.

So whether it’s a family day out in the countryside, or a special occasion, the Black Horse has an awful lot to offer.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Black Horse Beamish

Phone: 01207 232569

Capacity: 200

Ambiance: Relaxed

Opening hours: 11am - 11pm

Food served: 12pm - 9pm

Parking: Free Parking

Address: Red Row, Beamish, County Durham, DH9 0RW

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Bar/Pub

Dress code: Casual

Drinks served: 11am - 11pm

Disabled facilities: Diasbled access