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IndustryofSound presents - Ascension
Join us for another IndustryofSound experience after Webbo's first headline show in the capital. We have been working on bringing you new events. We want our events to represent a community and culture for ravers by bringing you the best current and upcoming talent in the industry.
Starting with bringing you a very special B2B with our last headliner, Webbo, joining him is a very special up-and-coming talent who many of you may have seen recently open for Basswell ANL and who just had his very own ANL in Glasgow. We know this will be a power hour from these two and not one to miss as this is the first time it is happening from them.
But this lineup doesn't stop there; joining us for his IOS debut is SVRGN, who has shown the likes of SWG3, World Headquarters Newcastle, arts club, and having his debut in the dome for second speed supporting the likes of Dyen and Jayron. he has also taken himself internationally recently co-headlining alongside Cortes in Malta he is bringing a unique set to the capital and is not one to miss out on his tracks have received loads of support from a bunch of talented artists such as Azyr Vendex, Dyen Winson to name a few the list goes on.
Are you going to join us for a very special night in the Mash House with an experience you won't get from any other promoter come see these artists on their rise to making their mark on the scene don't miss out IOS presents - Ascension
Please note: The event information above has been added by the organiser. Whilst we try to ensure all details are up-to-date we do not make any warranty or representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information shown.
Venue Address
37 Guthrie Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1JG
Venue Rating
4.5 / 5 based on 453 reviews
Useful Links
Please note: locations are plotted on this map by their postcode so may not be precise. We advise you to contact the venue if you need exact directions!
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