West Street, Fareham

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West Street, Fareham venue information

West Street
Saturday 28 September
(and 26 October)
Open 10am-4pm

Located on West Street, in front of Fareham Shopping Centre, this event is not to be missed for anyone looking for unique and special products. Complementing the existing shops, the market aims to support and promote small local businesses and artists, providing them with a platform to showcase their talents and products.

At the market, you will find mouth watering street food to include angus beefs burgers, halloumi burgers, loaded fries, loaded hot dogs, bubble waffles, Asian cuisine, a horsebox bar, artisanal milkshakes and hot drinks as well as a wide array of arts, crafts, gifts, fashion, authentic Indian spice mixes, delicious sweet bakes and award winning breads.

Whether you're looking for a treat for yourself or a thoughtful present for a loved one, you're sure to find something that catches your eye.
What makes this market truly special is the focus on local brands, artists, crafters, businesses and street food sellers. By supporting these small businesses, you're not only getting unique and high-quality products, but you're also contributing to the local community.

So mark your calendar and make sure to visit Fareham's Artisan Market on West Street. It's a day of shopping and discovering fantastic local products that you won't want to miss.

Venue contact details and info

Name: West Street, Fareham

Address: 54 West Street, Fareham, PO16 0JN


Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/128148/

Type of venue: Outdoors