MainYard Gateshead Stadium (Grounds)
MainYard Gateshead Stadium (Grounds) events
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Reviews of MainYard Gateshead Stadium (Grounds) in Gateshead
MainYard Gateshead Stadium (Grounds) venue information
Within the grounds of Gateshead Stadium, we have found a site and open space free from major sound, access and size restraints that we will be taking over in less than 5 weeks to build a 4500 capacity indoor temporary structure.
A unique and exciting production specification surrounded by a fully licensed daytime festival setting.
The first weekend in a series of future events. MAINYARD is Shindig shaking things up, focused on the bold and different as we head into 2020 with fresh ideas and multiple spaces planned. Taking the pop-up music event space to an impressive new level.
Neilson Road, Gateshead,
NE10 0EF
Venue contact details and info
Name: MainYard Gateshead Stadium (Grounds)
Address: Neilson Road, , Gateshead, NE10 0EF
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Sports