The Left Bank Bar Restaurant Glasgow

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The Left Bank Bar Restaurant venue information

the left bank was a clydesdale bank that had been left, it is also on the bank of the river kelvin (the right one!) and in the university area of the west end, quite bohemian and arty and full of students, just like its namesake in paris.

like the left bank's sister venues we use natural finishes; reclaimed oak floors from a guy in cumbria, "painters' planks" for the tables, timorous beasties wallpapers (paul lives upstairs), shotblasted walls, bespoke wall hangings by a local graphic designer, op art lampshades and a curvaceous concrete bar from a local sculptor.

the menu was key to our initial success and set the path which we have followed ever since, using local suppliers and changing our menus with the seasons to reflect what is plentiful and with few food miles. we also designed the menu so that our main a la carte meals come with a side of the customer's choice this enabled everyone to balance their own carb/protein intake without a fuss

our recipes are driven by the desire to offer authentic interpretations of food from around the world, our goan fish curry with tamarind, fried curry leaves and a slick of mahogany coconut oil. tom yam noodles fragrant with fresh lemongrass, lime leaves and red chillies. we stay pure to the sense of a dish, avoiding fusions from different countries and cultures. choosing our small dishes you can get a table of food from around the world, full of fresh herbs and spices

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Left Bank Bar Restaurant

Phone: 0141 339 5969

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

Address: 35 Gibson Street, Glasgow, G12 8NU


Capacity: 12

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