The Social Glasgow
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The Social venue information
The perfect spot to meet friends old and new. It's in the name.During the day, you will find a relaxing hub away from the hustle and bustle of Buchanan Street, where you can enjoy a wide selection of great quality and reasonably priced food, a chilled lunchtime cocktail, or a strong coffee.
We'll always give you a warm welcome.At night, the square is transformed into a bustling location for clubbers and people out to have a good time. We are right there in the middle of it all, under the thousands of glittering fairy lights. The lights dim, the music fills the space with everything from soulful house to funk and chart, and the cocktails begin to stack on the bar.
Venue contact details and info
Name: The Social
Capacity: 800
Dress code: Smart/Casual
Address: 27 Royal Exchange Square, Glasgow, G1 3AJ
Venue short url:
Type of venue: Nightclub
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